Privacy deep dive: why is privacy important for your website visitors?

Published On:
5 April 2022
20 February 2025

Understanding where your site visitors are coming from, what private data your website and third-party tools might be collecting from them, and what happens to that data after it is collected is crucial to protecting your business and your website visitors.

illustration man looking at computer eyes in background

When thinking about data privacy for your business website, local compliance is just part of the picture. If your business is in Australia, you likely already know that you need to comply with the Australian Privacy Act (although, interestingly, around half of companies don’t!). If your business is in the US, you will have heard of local state laws which are becoming increasingly privacy-aware (CCPA, CDPA & CPA, among a growing list). And if your business is in Europe, I don’t think I even need to mention the GDPR. But privacy compliance only where you are located is not compliance.

Did you know that your business must also comply with the privacy laws applicable to your clients — wherever they happen to be? So, if your business is in Australia and your clients and website visitors are global — privacy laws across multiple jurisdictions apply.

Location matters when it comes to privacy. It matters regarding where your website visitors are, where your website is hosted, where the tools connected to it are hosted and from where and to where data is transferred. It matters how your client data is used by everyone with access to it.

What data does your website collect from those who land on it?

Your business website is likely collecting visitor data in obvious and complicit ways via forms. But we all now know that data is also collected in the form of cookies.

What are cookies?

  • First-party cookies: these are fine — first-party cookies are the info needed by the site you’re on to know how you use the site itself. First-party cookies are helpful for the site owner to determine where people are getting lost or where info might not be loading correctly. All stuff that helps serve clients better. First-party cookies also collect the data around your preferences in using the site. I.e., in websites where you choose to log in, this might be your timezone or language preferences. There are no legal requirements around the tracking of first-party cookies. These are cool. And in my opinion, as a business owner, these are the only cookies you need to collect to serve your clients well.
  • Third-party cookies: these cookies are collected by all of the third-party tools and plugins connected to your site.

Data your website may knowingly and unknowingly collect

Here’s a list of some (but by no means all) of the data that websites can collect from site visitors — either knowingly or unknowingly):

  • IP addresses
  • Location
  • Name, phone, email, home address
  • Financial information
  • Health information.

All of this data is subject to privacy laws. The problem with website data (hello, cookies) is that it’s not always easy to determine where it is collected or by what tool is connected to your website.

How is personal data collected from your site visitors in the form of third-party cookies?

You may not even realise how your website collects data, and for many business websites, the collection of this data is unintentional on the part of the business owner.

Here’s a list of some (but by no means all) of the ways many websites collect data from site visitors. Some of these will be obvious, but some may surprise you:

  • Contact forms. These can collect the info the site visitor chooses to share, as well as other info like an IP address.
  • Advertising tracking pixels. This will likely be obvious to most folks, but yeah, if you’re running Facebook ads, you will probably have Facebook Pixel code added to your website. That means Facebook is grabbing the data from every visitor who lands on your site.
  • Social Media plugins.
  • Analytics software, such as Google Analytics. Google Analytics is now illegal in the European Union.
  • Cloud-based fonts such as Google Fonts. Google Fonts has explicitly been declared non-compliant with the GDPR. To be honest, many web designers don’t fully understand how to securely use fonts online (there was a time when I didn’t!). It’s complex!
  • Chatbots.
  • Newsletter plugins.
  • Payment facilities.
  • In essence, literally, anything connected to your website could well be collecting data from your clients in ways that you aren’t fully aware of.

Penalties for non-compliance with data privacy laws in Australia and beyond

“Businesses need to consider how the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) applies to any advertising they do. In particular, the Privacy Act will apply where the customer information is collected, used, stored or disclosed, where advertising is targeted via email or text, where online behavioural advertising is used and where there is any activity, which involves the use of personal information (as defined by the Privacy Act).”

Your website’s privacy policy should describe all of the methods in which site visitors’ personal information is acquired. If it doesn’t, you’re not in compliance. In Australia, this could land you with a fine of up to $2.1 million. In the EU, fines can be up to 20 million Euros.

The online advertising industry is obviously a key target for legal action, with IAB Europe recently found to be non-compliant with their cookie consent popups that gave website visitors options regarding how their data was used but actually did nothing. Anthony Bekker of Biztech Lawyers discusses privacy alongside the ins and outs of Compliance with Marketing and Advertising Law more broadly, which is definitely worth a look to be sure of your obligations beyond the scope of privacy alone.

And of course I’ve previously talked about recent non-compliance fines for businesses using Google Analytics and Google Fonts on their websites.

This is essential business risk mitigation to get this stuff sorted out.

Being privacy compliant isn’t just a legal requirement, it’s an ethical choice your clients are demanding!

I am increasingly mindful of the way my personal data is tracked, used and stored online. I worry about where my data will go after filling in online forms. I wonder if my IP address is being stored by Google Analytics or other third party services attached to a site. And I absolutely cannot stand the stalkerish remarketing ads that follow me around the internet.

“Nine out of 10 Australians have serious privacy concerns about the collection, sharing and use of personal data by businesses.”

We’re all so much more aware that if something seems free, it’s actually not—here’s lookin’ at you, Facebook—we’re just paying with our data.

If I and you and loads of our mates feel this way then it stands to reason that most of your clients do too. They want to know that their information is being used in a way that they can trust and by businesses that they feel are trustworthy. In an age where data breaches are becoming more common, it’s essential that your business is privacy-aware and has a privacy policy demonstrating its commitment to safeguarding customer data.

The future of data privacy and how to prepare for it

Do you need to collect identifying data from your website visitors to make sales?

For many jurisdictions around the world, collecting identifying info from your site visitors is already illegal. But if you’re here in Australia, for example, browsing on an Australian website serving only Australian customers and only Australian site visitors (i.e. your site actively blocks visitors from the EU), then it’s not yet against the law to collect identifying information. But that doesn’t mean you should keep doing it.

Once upon a time, I’d have fallen for that remarketing tactic as it was intended—I’d see an ad everywhere, think it was more legit because of that, and finally agree to click and buy. These days I just hate feeling like I and my data are being used and abused. So if I get retargeted I instantly blacklist those companies and refuse to buy from them. And by ‘blacklist’, I mean my own personal grrr list! Of course, I can tell my browser not to follow the links I click to protect myself, and most browsers are getting better at giving us user-level control over how our data is used.

Targeted data-based advertising isn’t just unethical, it no longer has enough of a business case to stay standing

There’s nothing new in this conversation. Except to look at the future for remarketing as a form of advertising. For one, users like you and me can see right through it and resent it. In addition, the data-blocking capabilities of browsers and user education around protecting our data are not available, and these forms of advertising won’t be around for much longer.

Third-party cookies have been declining in popularity, and even Google is phasing out its dependence on them across its ad platform. Advertising networks are scrambling to change how they use consumer data to deliver a product to advertisers. In all likelihood, tracking of any kind will be completely phased out, with a more generic focus on behavioural groupings instead.

Remarketing and targeted data-based advertising are increasingly unsound from both a business and ethical perspective, as well as from a legal standpoint and certainly provide enough risk and grey area to think twice about your strategy before investing in methods that could get you into trouble down the track.

What can you do to improve data privacy on your website?

Go over your site with a fine-tooth comb to work out exactly what data is being collected, who is collecting it and whether your privacy policy is communicating that to your site visitors.

There are a lot of privacy-friendly options out there to help combat third-party cookies. If you are using tools that feel a bit icky to you now in this more privacy-aware landscape (i.e. Google Analytics), know that you aren’t stuck with those tools. This could be a good time to make some changes and set up your systems to better align with your business values and legal obligations.

The most common changes we at Studio Clvr make when improving the website compliance for our clients include:

  • Replace all cloud-based fonts with locally hosted versions to eliminate user data transfer to Google Fonts.
  • Switch to privacy-focused analytics, usually from Google Analytics to Fathom Analytics.
  • Switch to privacy-focused form builders that don’t transfer your client data to their servers (often in other countries). Who knows where the data goes after that… Make sure you know exactly where all form data goes and have a process for deleting it.
  • Replace any on-site payment facilities with secure services like Stripe, that encrypt data and ensure it’s kept out of your website.
  • Drop the tracking pixels.
  • Get a decent Privacy Policy and Website Terms supplied by your lawyer—we’ve partnered with LawPath to get Australian clients two online legal documents for free!—or use a Privacy Policy generator like Termageddon (use code STUDIOCLVR for 10% your first year) that will continually manage updates for you.
  • Check if you need a cookie consent banner, and what autonomy it gives your website users around how their data is used. Note that you don’t need a cookie consent banner if you use privacy-focused tools because you aren’t collecting any cookies! Another easy vote for moving your business across to the privacy way of thinking — I don’t know anyone who doesn’t find those banners super annoying!!

Privacy compliance is legally and ethically essential to protect your business

With the rapid transformation of public opinion about online privacy, new laws are being enacted regularly, and each has specific demands for businesses to satisfy. It’s nearly impossible for a small or medium-sized firm to keep up with those standards.

At Studio Clvr we are now privacy-first in everything we do. We stay up-to-date on changing privacy laws worldwide (thanks Termageddon!), with a particular eye on privacy within the Australian market. We talk with our clients about the privacy-focused tools best suited to their business needs to ensure that every website we build respects our clients and theirs.

Find out more about our custom website design process or get in touch to discuss how we can build a compliant website for your business. Just need some quick help? Our Clever Day service might be just the ticket to moving your business forward.


I am not a lawyer 
and the information on the Studio Clvr website does not constitute legal advice. Consult a lawyer for specific privacy-related legal advice.

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Written by:
Nicole Sidoti

Hey, I’m Nic. I’m a digital design strategist on a mission to make your clever stand out. Because the world is better when we’re clever, together.

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