Ultra-fast brand & website for corporate training business

To look like the experts they are from the get go
Alex and Michael are absolute experts in the field. They both come to this business with years of high-level experience and highly-valued reputations to leverage and, importantly, protect. They knew from the outset that their business needs to look as professional as they are from the get go.
A professional brand identity that isn't boring
Alex and Michael were keen to ensure their new business launched with a professional look and feel to convey trust to new clients. They understood the value of first impressions and wanted theirs to hit the mark. They also wanted to ensure their brand didn’t look boring. The brand identity should demonstrate the vibrancy and customised nature of their training solutions.
We also lent a hand with brand naming and guided the team through the brand name registration checks.
A branded slide deck was designed ready for the team to insert the content for their first training session. All of this was crafted in a week, to get them out of the gate fast and ready to make a professional and vibrant first impression that helped secure the client’s trust and gave them confidence and pride in their materials for successful program delivery.

Brand messaging that connects
We went beyond content to craft website messaging for Object Resolve that would connect with leads and convert them to sales. The team loved our super fast process, where we started with a strategy workshop and asked loads of questions to really understand the business and how Michael and Alex understand their clients and the transformation that they want to deliver.
I then took their words and combined powerful information in their own words with marketing knowledge on what helps clients understand what they’re all about. I also performed a search engine optimisation analysis of what keywords would help them rank higher in a search and, therefore, be found more easily by new leads.
This all came together to craft messaging in their own words that sounds true to them while also hitting all the marketing sweet spots to be compelling to both referred leads and new visitors from search.

A fast website build
Michael and Alex wanted a fast website build, and a site that would be easy for them to update and manage going forward.
With a great brand ready to go we then built a quick website in Squarespace that was ready for launch in only a week.
They received new and, importantly, qualified leads via the site within the first month of go live. Whoop!

Ready to clever up your business launch?
If you want your launch to look as clever as you are, get in touch with Nic to see if we’re a good fit.